Friday 7 September 2012

Erin on her holiday

Hi everyone

We are on the way home now sitting at Abu Dhabi airport.

I had a great holiday and it is now ending ( so sad). First we went to Italy then France then England to see some friends and family. More family in austria, Venice and Nice. I feel very sad but also happy to go home to see family, friends and pets.

Love from Erin


Thursday 6 September 2012

4/5/6 September - Nice

4/5/6 September - 4th and 5th in Nice and to Milan on the 6th

We spent the 4th and 5th on the beach in Nice swimming and playing. The water was beautiful and warm and a cloudy sort of blue. The weather was good, hot and partly cloudy. Storms in the late afternoon seem to be common. We went out for dinner one night and out for lunch to a great restaurant in the heart of old Nice.

We went to the markets and we bought some souvenirs and some fruit including a big juicy mango for Elodie.


 We found a great pirate lolly shop. Alana bought the most lollies.

Alana and Ben left on the 5th and they flew to Barcelona on the next leg of their around the world trip. We had big French style breaky at a restaurant on the morning they left. We didn't like the hot chocolates that much, they were way too thick. We were very sad to see Alana and Ben go.

Mum and dad went out for a romantic last night dinner in Nice port on the 5th and we stayed with Nathan. Us girls and Nathan went out for dinner at a local restaurant. We had spaghetti and pizza and ice-cream of course.

Mum and dad had a big seafood dinner on the port waterfront. Their dinner included mediterranean prawns, calamari and sea bass. They said it was yum. They walked over to the port via the castle hill and checked out all the views and then on the way back they walked around the waterfront and saw a beautiful evening sunset over Nice and the Bay of Angels.

Nathan left early on the 6th on the TGV bullet train to Paris to fly back to Australia. We were very sad to see him go.

We had a great time with our big sister and brother and Ben in Nice.

We packed and left our lovely old Nice apartment mid morning on the 6th. We went for a morning walk along the Promenarde.

We picked up our car and drove to Milan via the riviera coast and then along the Italian coast for about a hundred kilometres. We then went inland to Milan. The scenery was spectacular. It was a beautiful sunny day.

We checked into our hotel near the airport and then took the hire car back to Hertz at the airport. We had dinner at the airport, then back to our hotel on the shuttle bus. We are looking forward to a big nights sleep.

Seeya at home soon. We are flying home from Milan tomorrow on Etihad Airlines via Abu Dhabi.

We are very sad our incredible holiday is coming to an end. We have seen and learnt so much. We have had the most wonderful time. But we are getting excited about home and seeing our family and friends. We are even looking forward to school.

Au Revoir/Arrivederci

The Creber Girls xxx


Wednesday 5 September 2012

2/3 September - Monaco Triathlon, Monte Carlo and Nice

2/3 September - Monaco Triathlon, Monte Carlo and Nice

Dad and Nathan set off early for their triathlon. It was dark when they left. It was raining overnight but stopped as they were leaving. They caught the bus to Monte Carlo. They said the bus ride was great along the Riviera foreshore and arriving in Monaco and walking through the streets to the start area on Lorvotto Beach, as the sun came up.

Us girls slept in for a while then got up, went shopping in Nice for a while then met Alana and Ben and jumped onto the bus to Monaco. The scenery was incredible. It took about 45 minutes.

Dad and Nathan’s triathlon started at 8am with a beach start and the ocean swim off Monte Carlo then up the beach, onto their bikes for a 100km bike leg which included riding through Monte Carlo at the start and finish of the leg, and up into the mountains behind Monaco. It turned out a beautiful sunny day about 27 degrees. The bike leg included 5 mountain climbs and climbing of over 2500m in total. The ride went through little villages, along clifftop roads, along roads above the coast, through tunnels carved into the rock and across many bridges, small and large. The first climb was from the start out of Monte Carlo which went for 20km.

The 10km run was through the streets of Monte Carlo around the foreshore and around the harbour and included where the Grand Prix goes through the famous tunnel and hairpin bends.

They both had a great race. Dad said the scenery in the bike ride and run was unbelievable. When they started in the swim a cruise liner was anchored off the outside turning buoy, that was exciting. Dad said it was the hardest bike leg he has done in a triathlon including Ironman and it was harder because there was a very tight cut off time for the bike leg and the pressure was on all the way to make it.

He said highlights were the swim off the beach, climbing the first mountain and emerging at the top to see the snow-capped French Alps in the distance, riding through many old villages, speeding down several mountains at 50kph including many hairpin bends, and speeding down the final mountain (10km) at 50kph with hairpin bends and incredible views over Monaco, and then through Monte Carlo streets with Police everywhere controlling traffic to ensure the triathletes had a clear run.

The run leg around the harbour was great he said, as well as running through the beautiful streets of Monte Carlo including past the palace and the casino. Dad said spending Fathers Day with all of us in Monaco was great, and having all his girls including Alana there for the race was special and having Nathan race in the same race was special too.


Us girls arrived in Monte Carlo around midday and walked down through lovely parks and along streets with big high rise buildings everywhere. We got to the Lorvotto Beach, had a swim, then got out just in time to see Nathan then dad finish their bike leg and run through transition to the run leg. That was exciting. We then went for another swim in the beautiful blue water and then walked up to the finish line to cheer Nathan and dad on at the finish.
We all then walked back to Lorvotto Beach and went swimming for about an hour then we had a lovely late lunch at one of the beachside cafés and relaxed for an hour or so.

We walked back along part of the Grand Prix course including through the tunnel and around the harbour then up to the train station and caught the train back home to Nice.

We had a big risotto dinner at home. Yum.

The next day we spent resting and doing washing at the laundromat because it rained in the morning. Mum and dad went and checked out the antique markets in Cours Saleya and they bought an old “Aladdin’s genie amp” and an old bronze tea pot. We rubbed the lamp and made 3 wishes when they got back.

We had lunch at a café in Old Nice. The sun came out after lunch and we went to the beach and then walked along the Promenarde. We bought some souvenirs.

We got dressed up and had a big dinner out at a flash outdoor restaurant in old Nice. The old town was packed and it was fun watching all the people. We had gelati ice-creams of course for dessert.


The Creber Girls xxx