Tuesday 14 August 2012

11 & 12 August - Surrey and Shakespeare Country

Saturday 11

Today was Dad's big trail ultramarathon running race through the forests, hills and valleys and villages of Surrey. Surrey is the region just south of and about 50 miles out of London. The run was called "The Centurion North Downs Way 50". The race is over 50 miles, which is 80 kilometres.

We got up early and drove Dad to the start line of his race in Farnham. Then we came back and went to Tesco's (like Coles) and bought some food for breakfast.

We spent the morning doing school work, some maths and writing. Elodie wrote an information report on the Black Plague of London, Holly wrote an information report on Stonehenge and Erin wrote a story about a girl who visits the Natural History Museum. It was fun.

We wrote some postcards and then went back across to Tesco's to buy some food for lunch. The place where we were staying (Premier Inn in Aldershot) had an outside picnic area with tables and a big grassed area. We ate lunch out there and then played soccer for ages in the sun. It was a beautiful sunny day. We also kept an eye on Dad over the internet because the run had a system that allowed us to track how the runners were going.

We went back to our room and had a bit of a rest before dinner, we had dinner at the restaurant attached to where we were staying. We watched Mr Bean's Holiday on tele and waited for Dad to finish his run.

He finished in the early evening. He caught a race bus back and we picked him up from Farnham. He said the race was amazing, incredible scenery. He said it was a beautiful blue sky day but a little hot for ultramarathoning at 28 degrees.

The race route included around the village (Reigate) that our friend Lavina comes from. It also included up and over Box Hill where the olympic road cycle race went. There were olympic rings there on top of the mountain.

Dad was really happy with his run. He cruised around the course as planned and checked out the countryside as he ran. What better way to see the country he said. He said he got lost a couple of times due to poor course signage (and not being attentive due to looking at the scenery), but didn't panic and managed to find his way again. He said he probably ran an extra 5 miles or 1 hour longer than he should have. But he wasn't worried about it too much, he said it enabled him to see more of the countryside, and he still finished well under cut off time and got his famous Centurion finisher medal and a race t-shirt.

He ran through forests, across little rivers and streams, over hills and through valleys, past beautiful golf courses, through farm paddocks and villages. He said he saw wild deer, red squirrels, lots of cows and lots of sheep. He saw wild pheasant and turkeys. He got chased by a bull at one stage.

He saw lots of mountain bikers and walkers especially on the National Trail.

We all had a good night sleep that night.

Sunday 12

Today we had a bit of a sleep in and then got ready to go on our next mini adventure. We had a big buffet breaky before leaving.

We were heading north to Nottingham via a place called Statford Upon Avon. Stratford Upon Avon is where English writer William Shakespeare came from. The town is called Stratford Upon Avon because it is next to the Avon river.

When we arrived we went and checked out Anne Hathaway's cottage. It was a lovely old thatched roof cottage with lovely gardens. Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare's wife and this cottage area was where he "courted" her (this means the same as dated her). We had devonshire tea with scones and jam and cream plus an ice cream. Dad had a nice beef and ale pie.

Next we went to look at Shakespeare's birthplace and his house and had a wander around town. We bought some souvenirs. We got a bit of a lesson on Shakespeare from mum and dad and read about him at some information sites around town. We lost count of how many times we recited "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo" as we had fun walking around.

We then had a look around the beautiful waterway and park areas.

Then we jumped back in the car and drove further north to our motel. We stayed in the Nottingham West Premier Inn, had dinner in the beefeater restaurant and then watched the closing ceremony of the Olympic games on tele. Nottingham (Sherwood Forest) is where Robin Hood "robbed the rich and gave to the poor".

In the morning we are heading up to Cumbria in north england near the Lake District and staying in Augill Castle. We are staying in the Arthur Pendragon suite. We can't wait, it should be wonderful. Then to Sharons. Woopie.

The Creber girls xxx

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