Wednesday 29 August 2012

28 August - Zell Am See to Venice

28 August - Zell Am See to Venice

Today we were up early. It was blue sky with hardly a cloud in the sky. It was going to get to 30 degrees.

Todd jumped on the train to Frankfurt via Salzburg to catch his plane home to Australia.

The rest of us had a light breaky, finished packing our bags, loaded the van up and off we went to Venice. We were sad to leave Chalet Berni and Zell Am See, we had a great time here and it is a beautiful place. We took a few last pics before we left.

As we drove through town and around the lake we checked out the beautiful scenery one last time.

It was a 6 hour drive but we went through the middle of Austria including through the Glossglockner mountains and the most beautiful countryside and mountains you could imagine. Glossglockner mountain itself is the 2nd largest mountain in western europe. We drove past it on a road that zig zagged through the mountains to 2600m above sea level down and up again and then down and up again.

The scenery was breathtaking for the first 5 of the 6 hours through Austria and a little bit of Italy, before we got on the A4 from Udine to Venice in Italy.

Snow capped mountains, glaciers, valleys covered in pine forests, open lush green hills and farms and bubbling rivers and some waterfalls all along. Everywhere we looked there was breathtaking scenery. We drove through lots of lovely austrian villages and saw many tall churches and typical austrian houses and chalets on the slopes.

Austria really is a beautiful country.

We stopped in Lienz on the way for lunch at Maccas and Nathan found a bike box to later store his bike in when we fly in a few days.

We went through lots of road tunnels.

Climbing Glossglockner in the van was one thing but there were heaps of bike riders trying to conquer it as well. It was extremely steep sometimes exceeding 15% grade.

Driving down the mountains was pretty hairy too especially as we approached the Italian border as the roads became narrower.

Then we went through a tunnel and came out the other side to be greeted by a Welcome to Italy sign. That was cool. All the strange Italian road signage suddenly came back to haunt us.

After one of the most incredibly beautiful drives imaginable, we arrived at Venice Airport to drop off our van. We dropped it off and then caught a maxi van taxi into Mestri which is on the mainland a couple of kilometres from Venice island.

We checked in to our hotel, the Hotel Tritone, and went to our rooms. Holly is sharing with Nathan, and Elodie and Erin are in mum and dad's room. The rooms are really flash and the beds really comfy. Yeah.

We rested for an hour then we went out and had dinner at Restorante Bepi, which is mainly a seafood restaurant. We had a great dinner. Mum, dad and Nathan had different italian style seafood dishes. They said they were yum.

Then we went back to our hotel and into bed for a big sleep before exploring Venice tomorrow.

More tomorrow.

The Creber Girls xxx

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