Thursday 5 July 2012

Disneyland Paris - WOW!

2 July – warm and sunny – a beautiful day and night at Disneyland Paris.

We got up really early and were so excited. We bought some tickets for Disneyland on-line the night before but had to get them printed before we went to Disneyland. We asked around about internet cafes and printing (“impression”) shops and met this really nice French man in a cafe who allowed us to print the tickets in his wife’s office, next door to the café where we met him. His wife is an interior decorator – it was a pretty flash office. He is a documentary maker. His next documentary is about cafes in Rome. We gave him some advice. We got his website address to look up – he was very interesting and helpful.
We caught the RER train from Chatelet to Disneyland station. Holly didn't know if we were going to make it on to the train because it was there when we were walking down the stairs. We made it. It took about half an hour. We met a nice German family on the train who were also going to Disneyland. We were really excited on the train and kept doing Mickey Mouse ears and singing M.I.C.K.E.Y M.O.U.S.E!
It opened at 10 am, right when we got there. We weren’t going to miss a minute. We had a fabulous day. It wasn’t too crowded but still long queues and heaps of people. For all the big rides you could go through a booth where you swipe your ticket and get a "fastpass" entry time. It was normally about an hour later so you just went back then and didn't have to wait as long. We went on lots of great rides and went through all the "lands" - Main Street, Adventureland, Discoveryland, Frontierland and Fantasyland. We had lots to eat and drink and some fairy floss. 

When Elodie first walked in and saw all the shops in Main Street she just wanted to shop. But soon she was keen to explore.


Our favourite rides were Space Mountain (a really fast roller coaster in the dark – upside down and spirals. Elodie had her eyes closed all the way and she felt sick in the middle of it. In the ride picture everyone else was screaming but Elodie had a straight face!! She really liked it in the end. Erin couldn’t go on because she was too short. Star Tours (a Star Wars ride), Big Thunder (wild west roller coaster), and It’s a Small World were great. Its a Small World ride was really relaxing and it was interesting how they put all the different cultures together. Pirates of the Carribean was another favourite and the Haunted Mansion. The haunted mansion was really scary but fun as well, at the start we didn't know what it was going to be like or what would happen. It felt like a dream. We went on lots more rides including the Mad Hatters Tea Cups. We still haven’t done lots but we’ll be coming back. Walking through Sleeping Beauty’s castle a few times was also great. Holly thought the castle was telling a story using objects around the wall. She also liked all the people that were dressed up as princesses.


We saw the Disney on Parade parade in the evening. It was crowded but we had a perfect spot to see it. The parade was incredible. Erin’s favourite was Mickey, Elodie’s favourite was Pooh Bear - Elodie has been a big fan all her life, Holly’s favourite was pirates of the carribean float, mum’s favourite was all of them, dad’s favourite was Lion King. Then we had some dinner and some more rides and waited for the 11pm fireworks and light show. This was worth waiting for – it is the most incredible thing we have ever seen. It went for half an hour and the castle was the backdrop and the “canvas” as mum said. Amazing lights and fireworks to Disney themes one after another. It was so colourful and the castle changed colour and character constantly. Holly's favourite part of the light show was seeing beauty and the beast because she loves the book and the movie so much.

We caught the RER home and got home about 1am the next morning. It was the greatest day ever. We have put all the photos below as we think they really speak for themselves. 

The Creber Girls xxxxx


























  1. Hi Crebers its the Evans'
    Disney land look AWESOME we all wish we were there Paige especially likes all the cool pics. The Eiffel Tower looks very well constructed up close so many bars and bolts. It must of been scary walking up the stairs! The Arc De Triomphe
    looks busy the road around it looks like it has no lanes (it probly doesn't). We love the detail in it. The glass pyrimids look cool. we've seen them in a movie before (Monte Carlo) we bet there better in real life than in he pics (and the movie). We have been to Disney land in Hong Kong it is pretty similer to the Paris one. But we wern't there till 1am like you guys. Overall we think you're having a great time so here it comes :
    QUESTION: Do you guys eat pasta and pizza all the time or do you eat other foods too? cause all we see you eating is pasta and pizza!!:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
    Love the Evans' Xxxx
    P.S Paige just got her birthday card from you guys it was lovely. She looks forward to emailing Holly!! Xxxx

  2. Hello all of you, well Disneyland looks AMAZING......I wish I had been there with you - lots of things to see and do, the photos are fantastic...I really laughed at Erins face...must have been scary...and you all look like you are having such a great time. The firework. With the castles behind it, were brilliant...and what a day you must have had...getting home the NEXT day!!!!! What a big day! Love you and miss you....say hello to Mickey and Minnie from me. Next, the Alps..wahooooooo!!!! Enjoy every minute.. Big hugs xxxxxxx
