Sunday 22 July 2012

Our last day in Annecy

17 July

It was our last full day in Annecy today. We decided to extend by one day here because we love it so much. It is now our fav place in the world apart from Sydney.

We woke up to a beautiful sunny day and couldn't wait to get down to the lake and have a swim. We drove the short distance down to town because we couldn't waste time. We hired a paddleboat. We paddled out into the lake, the water was as usual warm and a beautiful clear blue. We saw another yabby while we were paddling out. First mum and Dad paddled us around a little island which had two water fountains on each side. We saw a small power boat towing about 10 small sail boats with kids in them. They all waved to us. We then found a good spot in the lake and decided to jump in. Holly was the first to jump in, she said the water was cold at first but nice. Mum dived in next and then Erin. It was so nice being in the middle of the lake with only our paddleboat near us. Elodie took her time getting in but eventually she slid in and had a little swim. Us girls all got back into the boat and paddled around while Mum and Dad had a swim. We took some photos and had a lay in the sun. The lake was so beautiful, the mountains in the background and the beautiful town and crystal clear water.

We had the paddleboat for an hour and after we had returned it we walked around to a private beach resort. It cost us 10 euros total to go in and there was a section of the lake reserved for swimming, a really cool paddling pool for Erin and a huge water slide. We hired a blow up crocodile.  We had a few swims and relaxed in the water for a while. Just before we were leaving Holly and Dad went on the big slide. Holly said it was the best part of her day, the slide was massive and very steep. It had water running down it so as soon as you let go, you flew down it. It was really cool.

We went and had a late lunch at our favourite restaurant, had a glacé (icecream) and then headed home.

Dad went for a bike ride from Annecy to Albertville (where the winter olympics were held). He said it was a really amazing bike ride around the lake and then through valleys in amongst the mountains, forests and little villages. He said a highlight was in the late evening all the paragliders started dropping out of the sky to land - hundreds of them on a big open paddock near the end of the lake. He was gone 4 hours because it was a long way.

We helped Mum cook a risotto for dinner. We packed up our stuff and headed to bed before our next mini adventure. Annecy was such a wonderful place, the most beautiful place with so many things to do and see. We could have stayed a few more days there for sure but our itinerary was calling us on to Beaune in the Burgundy region of France between the Alps and Paris....(Then we are off to Pierrefonds north of Paris to see Camelot (the castle used in the series Merlin), then to Paris for a few days at Disneyland and to see the TDF finish stage).

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