Saturday 21 July 2012

Exploring Annecy

14/15/16 July - Exploring Annecy. By Elodie , Holly and Erin!!

14th July

This morning Dad woke up and drove to Lyon to compete in the Lyon Tristar triathlon. Dad said he went well. The bike ride leg was beautiful he said but hard, including 25km up a long steep mountain and 25km down again, through the countryside and little villages. His Finisher medal was pretty flash. The rest of of us stayed home and relaxed in the morning. Then we went to Carrefour supermarket. But it was closed so we had to walk back. Then Dad came home and then we relaxed for a while. Then we headed down to town to look around then to have dinner. We found a lovely place to eat at. The place was called L'Arcade. We had been there before so we knew what to order. We ordered two Royale pizzas, one Margarita pizzas and one spaghetti. The Royale pizza was really nice and the margarita pizza was nice but the spaghetti was the best!!!! We had coca cola and later some glaces. Then we headed home. We went straight to bed. We and a fun day!!!!!!
Elodie- The day was really fun and relaxing. It was a great day.
Erin- The dinner was really dddelicious.
Holly- It was a great day.

15th July

Hello Everybody
Today we went into Annecy. On the way to town we saw bridges, ducks, water locks, and swans that did handstands in the water. We walked through the old town to get to the lake. The old town had cobblestones instead of concrete and old houses, some along the edge of the canals. From there we walked briskly to the lac (lake) to get tickets for the lac cruise. The lac cruise was at 2:00 so we played tip on the luscious green grass in the big park. We also again went on wooden, coloured cows that were dark pink, light pink and brightly green coloured. Then we walked through the busy streets to get lunch. We had lunch in a restaurant and we had a glace (ice-cream). The ice-cream was nice and cold after a big walk around. We wanted to get good spots on the cruise so we went to the wharf and made sure that we got good spots right at the front. We met a man and his wife from Jervis Bay in Australia. They had been following the Tour de France. He was a retired headmaster from Gunnedah primary school. His name was Greg. They owned a B&B in Sanctuary Point in Jervis Bay. On the boat we had seats at the front. When the Cruise had started we decided to stand up sometimes because there was a very nice breeze. The lac was crystal clear blue and there were a lot of colourful paddleboats. The sand was pale and the sky was baby blue. The breeze was very nice, cool and refreshing on a hot day. There was a blue house and it had the most famous restaurant in Europe inside. There were a lot of kids playing in the water and there were lots of windsurfers, sailing boats and paddle boarders. We saw two people fall off their wind surfers in less than one minute!!! The lac is the cleanest lac in Europe. On the way back to where we started we saw a castle that Erin thought was a fort. It is now private property. The boat stopped at 5 locations around the lake. All around the lake it was like a postcard with beautiful scenery. The lac cruise had finished 2 hours later. We walked to the castle in town on the hill. We got a lovely crepe on the way. We shared nutella and sugar crepes. We walked up a really step hill to get to the castle and we saw a gelato (glace) shop and the queue was about 15 metres long. It was homemade gelato. On the way up to the castle there were lots of pretty yellow and pink flowers. When we got to the castle we saw the man and lady that we met on the cruise. The castle walls looked like stone and it felt like stone to. We walked back home and the walk was only 15 minutes, we had chicken, rice and vegetables for dinner.
We all had a great day today.
Elodie, Holly and Erin.

16 July

This morning we woke up and went to the town to hire bikes. We got there a bit early and waited 20 mins until the shop opened. We ordered a Tandem and two bikes, one with a carriage trailer on the back. Elodie and Dad went on the Tandem and Holly and Mum went on their own bikes. Mum had Erin on the back in the carriage. We left straight away and then set off around Le Lac de Annecy. The views were amazing. It was an incredible bike path. We stopped for a picture and a rest on the lakeside. Holly and Elodie swapped bikes and away we went. We kept on riding and then we stopped for morning tea at a little cafe. Holly, Erin and Mum had an ice block and Dad and Elodie had a crepe. Elodie had sucre (sugar) and Dad had chocolate. Elodie and Holly swapped bikes again and then we headed to the bike track and went through an old train tunnel. The tunnel was awesome. It echoed so we were yelling out to each other and then heard it echo!! We kept on riding until we had to turn around. We saw lots of paragliders in the sky. We headed back and then returned our bikes. Then we walked home and then got in the car to have a drive to find some place to have lunch. We drove up the mountain and then had lunch on the edge of someone's farm. The view from high up in the mountains over the lake below and the surrounding countryside and alps was amazing. We could hear the sound of crickets. We called it our Sound of Music picnic. Then we went home. Dad went for a bike ride around the lake and part up the mountain. He said it was a fabulous ride. It is a bike riders paradise. We had a very fun day.
Elodie- A really awesome day and had loads and loads and loads of fun!!!!!!
Erin- Had a really, really fun day, full of laughter.
Holly- The view was amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying your holiday! We'll have a birthday catch-up when you get here; meantime, keep eating your way round Europe - it all sounds fabulous, and you are seeing and doing such wonderful things. Send me an email to confirm the dates you'll be here; I'm looking forward to seeing you all. Love, Veronica
