Saturday 9 June 2012

Day 2 of our great big adventure. Tuscany, Italy. Villa Torre Rossa

Ciao (hello) Buongiorno (good morning, good day), how are we?? Today we went to the markets in Impruneta to buy some food and have a look around. It was like food heaven!! We bought heaps of fruit and veg, my favourite was the cherries.

When we had finished at the markets we went down to the grocery store to get some food, we found some Duff beer. When we came back we saw 3 people on a motorbike!!!!!

Then after we had come home from the shops we went to the local bell tower/church at 12:00 noon. The church is called the San Gersole church. We went there to hear the bells ring at 12:00 but the weirdest thing is that it didn't ring 12 times but it rang 47 times.!!!!!!!!!! The last 35 rings was a bell song.

Then when we got back we got changed to go to the pool as it was very hot at a big, for Australia right now, 27 degrees. We were in the pool for about 1 hour and 45 minute when it started to rain lightly but we stayed in the pool. About 15 minutes later (2 hours) we went to our apartment and had lunch. We had cheese, ham, tomato,cucumber and of course bread. Then after a while it started to sprinkle rain AGAIN!! For the rest of the afternoon we played in our garden courtyard in the sun. Dinner was yum ... pasta and chicken with fresh salad.... and gelati icecream.

My favourite thing of the day was the pool because it was really refreshing and fun!

I can't wait for tomorrow!!

Parlare Con Te Presto (speak to you again soon)

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